Section 27-5. Instructions for inspection and securing work

The employer shall prepare instructions to ensure that:
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    inspections are carried out continuously of the rock and of previously completed securing work;
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    Loose rock that could pose a hazard is removed as soon as possible or safely secured;
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    rock scaling is carried out from a safe position by employees with experience and an understanding of scaling work;
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    visibility, lighting and sound conditions in the workplace are satisfactory where scaling is carried out using manual tools;
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    information about any special matters with a bearing on the securing work is passed on to the next shift and registered in writing, and the documentation is kept in the workplace for the duration of the work;
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    barriers are put in place as soon as possible around areas in which there may be a risk of uncontrolled rock falls or landslides, and the barriers are not removed until inspection and necessary scaling or securing has been carried out.