Section 27-2. Risk assessment and HSE plan for rock work

A health, safety and working environment (HSE) plan shall be prepared in writing. The HSE plan shall be prepared based on a risk assessment. The plan shall be readily available in the workplace and shall be stored as long as necessary for safety purposes. The HSE plan shall be regularly updated and worded so that it can be understood by each employee.
The HSE plan shall be prepared before the work commences and shall be revised if significant changes, extensions or alterations take place in the workplace.
The HSE plan shall make it clear that the risks to which the employees are exposed in the workplace have been identified and assessed and shall describe what measures should be implemented to prevent injuries and accidents. In particular, the plan shall show that a safety assessment has been carried out of the design, use and maintenance of the workplace and equipment.
Where relevant, the HSE plan shall include measures to ensure
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    safe transport of persons;
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    rock support;
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    stabilisation of the ground;
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    safety in connection with the risk of rock falls or landslides;
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    inspection of the workplace;
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    registration and keeping records of measurements.
If employees from several undertakings are present in the same workplace, the HSE plan shall describe the objective, measures and procedures for the principal undertaking's coordination of the HSE measures.
For each workplace, the HSE plan shall describe what rules to follow to safeguard the employees’ health, safety and working environment and to achieve safe use of methods and equipment. In addition, the HSE plan shall contain an overview of escape routes, information about the use of evacuation, rescue and first aid equipment, and what measures to take in an emergency in or near the workplace. The HSE plan shall also contain provisions relating to the rescue organisation.
The HSE plan shall contain an overview of rock caverns on a scale that makes the presentation understandable. In addition to tunnels and areas of excavation, the overview must show the known features that may have a bearing on the operations and safety.
The HSE plan shall contain information about key aspects of the ventilation system and shall also describe equipment and measures required to prevent explosions.
If harmful gases are or may be present in the air, the HSE plan shall describe the available protective equipment and the preventive measures that have been implemented.
The HSE plan shall provide a detailed description of what measures to take to prevent, detect and combat fire and the spread of fire.