Section 18-5. Use of work equipment for lifting non-guided loads

Where two or more units of work equipment for lifting non-guided loads are installed or erected so that their working radiuses overlap, measures shall be taken to avoid collisions between the loads and/or parts of the lifting equipment.
Where mobile work equipment is used to lift non-guided loads, measures shall be taken to prevent the equipment from tilting, overturning, moving or slipping. The employer shall ensure that such measures are properly implemented.
Where an operator of the lifting equipment cannot observe the full path of the load, whether directly or indirectly using auxiliary equipment, a person with the requisite competence for the task shall be posted to have direct contact with and guide the operator. Organisational measures shall be taken to prevent collisions that could endanger employees.
The work shall be organised safely, particularly to ensure that the employee can retain direct or indirect control of the work operation during manual attachment and detachment of the load.
All lifting operations shall be carefully planned, appropriately supervised and carried out with due attention to the employees’ health and safety. If the load requires the simultaneous use of several units of lifting equipment, and the load is not controlled, procedures shall be established to ensure that the operators safely coordinate the work.
If lifting equipment used to lift loads that are not controlled is unable to maintain its hold on the load in the event of a complete or partial power failure, measures shall be taken to prevent employees from being exposed to the risk this represents. Suspended loads may only be left without surveillance when access to the danger zone is prevented and the load is safely suspended and held.
Lifting equipment used outdoors to lift loads that are not controlled shall not be used under weather conditions that make it unsafe to use. Appropriate protective measures shall be taken to avoid exposing employees to risk, and particularly to prevent the equipment from overturning.