Section 15-4. Medical examination of employees who may be exposed to ionising radiation

The employer shall ensure that employees who are to work under conditions where radiation may lead to a dose of more than 6 mSv per year or an equivalent dose of more than 3/10 of the dose limits set out in the Regulations concerning Action and Limit Values, undergo medical examinations before they are assigned such work. The medical examination shall seek to determine whether there are medical reasons why the employee should not work with ionising radiation or whether special measures are required.
Employees who may be exposed to doses of more than 6 mSv in 12 months or an equivalent dose of more than 3/10 of the dose limits set out in the Regulations concerning Action and Limit Values, shall undergo medical examinations every three years or more frequently if advised by a medical practitioner. The medical examination shall seek to determine whether there are medical reasons why the employee should not continue to work with ionising radiation or whether special measures are required.
If individual readings show that an employee has been exposed to radiation doses exceeding the dose limits for physical and chemical agents set out in the Regulations concerning Action and Limit Values, the employee shall be referred to a medical practitioner for a medical examination. Such a medical examination shall also be conducted if requested by the employee on special grounds, or if the medical practitioner has decided that the employee needs to be examined.
The employer shall ensure that the medical practitioner has all the exposure information that may be of importance to the medical examination.
The employee shall be informed about the result of the medical examination.
Employees who have a medical certificate stating that they cannot work with ionising radiation shall be transferred to work in which there is no occupational exposure to ionising radiation.