Section 14-13. Hiring workers from undertakings other than those whose object is to hire out labour

(1) Hiring workers from undertakings other than those whose object is to hire out labour shall be permitted when the hired employee is permanently employed by the lessor. So that an undertaking may be said not to have the object of hiring out labour, hiring out must take place within the main areas of activity of the lessor and not more than 50 per cent of the permanent employees of the lessor must be engaged in the hiring activity. Before a decision is taken in respect of such hiring, the hirer shall consult with the elected representatives who collectively represent a majority of the employees in the category of workers to be hired.
(2) In the case of hiring more than 10 per cent of the hirer's employees, but not fewer than three persons, or for more than one year, a written agreement shall be concluded with the elected representatives who collectively represent a majority of the employees in the category of workers to be hired. This provision does not apply to the hiring of employees within the same corporate group
(3) If so requested by elected representatives of the category of work to which the hiring applies, the employer shall provide evidence that the conditions for hiring pursuant to the first paragraph are satisfied.
(4) The Ministry may by regulation prohibit the hiring of certain groups of employees or employees in certain sectors when so indicated by important social considerations.
(5) Section 14-12, fourth paragraph applies correspondingly.