Section 6-5. Costs, training, etc.

(1) The employer shall ensure that safety representatives receive the training necessary to enable them to perform their duties properly. The safety representative has the right to attend the necessary training in the form of courses held by the employee organisations. The Ministry may by regulation lay down further requirements regarding such training.
(2) Safety representatives shall be allowed the time necessary to perform their duties properly. As a rule, these duties shall be performed within normal working hours.
(3) The employer is responsible for the costs of training and other costs associated with the work of the safety representatives. The duties of the safety representatives that must be performed outside normal working hours pursuant to section 10-4 shall be remunerated as overtime work.
(4) The employer shall ensure that the office of the safety representative shall not involve a loss of income for the safety representative or in any other way impair his terms and conditions of employment.