Section 3-3. Occupational health services

(1) The employer is obliged to provide occupational health services approved by the Labour Inspection Authority for the undertaking when so necessitated by risk factors in the undertaking. The assessment of whether such an obligation exists shall be made as part of the implementation of systematic health, environment and safety measures.
(2) The occupational health service shall assist the employer, the employees, the working environment committee and safety representatives in creating a safe working environment that promotes good occupational health.
(3) The occupational health service shall have a free and independent position as regards working environment matters.
(4) The Ministry may by regulation issue further provisions prescribing when and to what extent the employer is obliged to provide occupational health services, the professional requirements regarding such services and the tasks it shall perform.
(5) The Ministry may in regulations issue provisions requiring that the occupational health service pursuant to this section must be approved by the Labour Inspection Authority and concerning the detailed contents of such an approval arrangement.