Section 118. Residence cards for foreign nationals with a right of residence under section 114 who are not EEA nationals

A foreign national who resides in the realm under section 114 for more than three months is obliged to obtain a residence card. The application deadline for residence cards is three months from the date of entry. When the foreign national submits documentation as mentioned in the second paragraph, a certificate showing that an application for a residence card has been submitted is issued immediately.
In connection with an application for a residence card for family members, the following shall be produced:
  1. a.
    a valid passport,
  2. b.
    a document that certifies the family relationship that provides the basis for the right of residence,
  3. c.
    the registration certificate of the EEA national whom the foreign national is accompanying or being reunited with,
  4. d.
    documentation of dependence in cases where status as a family member is conditional upon the foreign national being dependent; see section 110, third paragraph, (c) and (d).
In connection with an application for a residence card for foreign nationals as mentioned in section 110, fourth paragraph, the following shall be produced:
  1. a.
    a valid passport, and
  2. b.
    documentation evidencing that the foreign national is to carry out work under the provisions of the EEA Agreement on free movement of services, or is to establish himself or herself under the provisions of the EEA Agreement on freedom of establishment.
An application for a residence card shall be decided upon within six months of submission of the application. The residence card is valid for five years, or for the EEA national’s period of residence if its duration is expected to be shorter than five years. Unless particular grounds apply, the residence card will cease to be valid in the event of residence outside the realm for more than six months per year.
The King may issue regulations containing further provisions, including on which authority receives applications for and issues residence cards, and on the setting of issue fees. The King may issue further provisions on documentation under the second and third paragraphs, on the validity period of the residence card and on validity in the event of residence outside the realm under the fourth paragraph.