Section 102 a. The purpose of VIS

The purpose of VIS is to improve the implementation of the Schengen countries’ common visa policy, consular cooperation and consultations between central consular authorities by simplifying the exchange between the member states of information on visa applications and related decisions. The objective is to:
  1. a.
    simplify the visa application procedures,
  2. b.
    avoid circumvention of the criteria that form the basis for the decision regarding which member state is responsible for processing the application,
  3. c.
    simplify the fight against forgery,
  4. d.
    simplify checks at the member states’ external borders and in the territory of the member states,
  5. e.
    simplify the identification of persons who do not fulfil the conditions for entry to or residence in the territory of the member states,
  6. f.
    simplify the application of the Dublin III Regulation; see section 32, fourth paragraph, and
  7. g.
    help to avert threats to the internal security of individual member states.